Dear Facebook...
It’s been four years since we parted, back when I was called to “go inside” and seek the close counsel of my soul.
I’ve used the time well, cultivating deeper levels of intimacy with myself, increasing my capacity to embrace stillness and uncertainty…learning to trust Life more and more.
Now I’m back. In part, due to “outside” circumstances. In part, because there are “internal” things I’m ready to share.
As much as I’ve feared and resisted you, I cannot deny that you have an awe-some capacity to connect us. You are an unprecedented platform for sharing, a potential tool for our collective awakening.
But it’s not easy to be with you. You can be so loud and angry, so fearful and mean, so petty, addictive and distracting. But also beautiful, educational, supportive, inspiring and kind.
I am aware of my fear that you’re tracking and spying on me, fear that I’m being seen and judged in ways that are beyond my control.
You show me that while I’ve been softening my grip on life, I still try to manage it (and my image) in order to feel safe.
And so, dear Facebook, rather than continuing to resist you, I’ve decided to embrace you as spiritual practice…
I commit to viewing you as a reflection of what wants to be seen and loved and integrated.
I commit to following my deep knowing about when to engage with you…and when not.
I commit to showing up as the Love I am…and want to see.
Thank you for all you show me. Namaste.
Postscript: I lasted a few months...but then, post-election, my spiritual practice was clearly elsewhere. So adieu once again, Facebook, perhaps we shall meet again some day.