The Morning Shift Is On Hiatus
Dance from 8:30 to 9:15 Pacific Time
Optional Stretching Begins at 8:15
Suggested exchange $10 to $20 per session
Thank you for contributing an amount aligned with your financial situation.
This is a practice of moving with the energies of our inner and outer worlds so they don’t get stuck in our bodies. This is a practice of staying connected to oneself while being in the company of others. We do this practice in earthly solidarity. We acknowledge and feel our individual and collective pain, anger, and grief, even as we welcome release, pleasure, and joy.
Let the funk come find me, in all my resistance.
I will not turn away. No, I will get down and dance!
~ MaMuse
It’s a deep nourishment to lean in to the support of music, movement, and a community who is mindfully attuning to feel-good frequencies!
We do this practice together, but not necessarily in unison. It is an improvisational exploration in which each of us is encouraged to follow an inner calling to dance with our eyes open or closed, to stay in our own dance or be playful with others, and to move in ways that feel good to us…without self-censorship.
The 45-Minute Format:
Tune In: Arrive and attune to your current state of being (< 1 minute)
Check In: Communicate your state of being & intention (< 5 minutes total)
Music/Movement/Dance: Warm up + crescendo + cool down (30-35 minutes)
Check Out: Share your post-dance state or "take away" (< 5 minutes total)
The playlist rotates weekly, with eclectic music that is meditative, inspiring, cathartic, affirming, and playful.
I hope to move with you soon, in earthly solidarity!