Humility and compassion build when we allow ourselves to be witnessed as we are.
— Gil Hedley
We need each other to become fully human. A kind of magic and healing happen when we are witnessed as we truly are and accepted, unconditionally. Witnessing is a precious gift that not only supports connection with "the other," it supports our connection with our selves, with our true nature.
We humans also need to express our innate creativity. Creativity isn't something we do, it is what we are. And I've witnessed and experienced how simple acts like stream-of-consciousness writing, unskilled drawing, tuneless sounding and un-selfconscious movement offer pathways of connection with one's true nature.
It seems to me that both free-expression and unconditional witnessing are central to becoming more fully human. Their beauty and power lie in the depth of presence they invoke...a power to heal, to make whole.
"As we engage the unconscious and imagination in creative processes, we experience
ourselves as active participants in life, explorers with the power to reshape our responses
to our life stories rather than victims of our circumstances."
— Daria Halprin | Author & Expressive Arts Therapist
What's central to my work with individuals and groups is a depth of presence, a capacity for open-hearted, unconditional witnessing of people and situations as they are. As a soul ally, I offer perspectives, practices, and emotional/spiritual support that catalyzes deeper self-exploration. As you become more intimately, more fully yourself, you are likely to discover your courage to express and share yourself and your gifts in new, more heart-fulfilling ways.
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