We live at a threshold of historic possibility. This is our time to re-member ourselves and take our rightful place in one planetary family. In community we will midwife a new culture of wholeness. This is the work of intimate 'wisdom circles' all across our world.
In the gentle embrace of this Wisdom Circle, we receive a wealth of resources and dedicate ourselves to revealing essential Truths that have been hidden in plain sight. We come to understand who we truly are and what we are here to become. Through the power of our collective, we access a level of restoration far beyond what we are capable of on our own. This healing affects our individual lives and ripples across the entire Web of Life.
Regardless of your background, roles, or work in the world, you are an integral part of the interconnected Whole. You are needed as a fierce agent of Love, an emissary of Light, and a reflection of Completeness in a fractured world.
Are you moved to join this sacred, generative community? If so, your heart will lead the way.
join us in becoming the change our hearts most desire
seasonal retreats near bellingham wa + monthly online gatherings & resources

What is the Wisdom Circle?
The Wisdom Circle is a gathering of bright souls with opening hearts, committed to living into the mystery of our collective future. Together, we are discovering empowering ways of relating that break the bondage of historic, patriarchal shackles, and open us to new spectrums of possibility. We are on a mission of authentic self-remembering.
In this field of collective wisdom, we are becoming more fully ourselves. We are connecting to our healthy power, aligning with our soul's purpose for being, discovering our true joy, and learning to embody Wholeness in every relationship, aspect, and moment of our lives.
We gather for four, seasonal retreats near Bellingham, WA, and in on-line circles every month.
The collective is guided in ways that honor the sovereignty and intelligence of each individual, and the circle as a whole. The container is held strongly enough to cultivate a safe and potent learning environment, yet gently enough that we yield to the flow of Life as it unfolds. Ultimately, the circle itself is our teacher.
Who is the Wisdom Circle for?
Essentially, anyone. Introverts, extroverts; perceived outsiders and insiders. Business professionals, community leaders, students, artists, educators, coaches, performers, parents, healers, facilitators and others will benefit from the exploration, reflection, and deep sense of belonging—a quality of ‘coming home’—that this soulful community fosters.
How will the Wisdom Circle support us?
Using inspiration from the arts, sciences, nature, and mystical traditions, we'll investigate essential questions at the heart of the human journey. Diverse methods of exploration offer unique entry points into the mystery. Sampling this variety, you'll discover practices that unlock insights within you. In this way, you will actually learn from yourself, and by sharing your insights, you allow others to learn from you too. We are all here to be both teacher and student.
Our methods will include:
Embodied Enneagram
Guided Meditation
Whole-Body Listening
Poetic Inquiry
Nature Walks/Communing
Contemplative Dialogue
Spontaneous Ceremony
Systemic Constellations
Authentic Movement/Dance
Stream-of-Consciousness Writing
Contemplative Photography + Making
Our explorations will foster:
Greater Self-Awareness & Compassion
Subtle Energy Consciousness & Mastery
Cascading Insights
- Sense of Purpose
- Increased Equanimity
- Reliable Internal Guidance
Expanded Capacity for Love
Greater Self-Authority
- Conscious/Holistic Communication
- Intimacy in Relating
- Freedom of Expression
- Aligned Livelihood/Action
While gathering with open hearts in a safe and accepting circle is itself a healing salve in divisive times, by exploring and expressing yourself more vulnerably, you actually encounter yourself in new, enlivening ways. Courageously stepping outside your ‘comfort zone,’ you come to recognize that you are freer than you think. Experiencing this truth is key to living your fullest potential. Aligned with your authentic freedom, you feel your connection to the heart of the world, you are empowered to respond to your highest impulses, to organically become an agent of Love and change in every aspect of your life.
What are the logistics of the Wisdom Circle?
The Wisdom Circle is open to a total of 12 participants. We meet twice-monthly online and will gather for four, seasonal retreats, near Bellingham, WA.
Dates for 2021 & 2022 are currently pending.
Financial exchange:
Your financial exchange as a circle members is a suggested $80/month or another amount that reflects the generosity of for your heart and circumstances. This work is offered in the spirit of a gift economy. Retreat food and lodging are separate costs.
Participation Requirements:
The Wisdom Circle is limited to 12 participants at any one time. No specific experience is required, yet a level of self-reflection and groundedness in your life circumstances will support this commitment to evolution.
When you send me an email, by clicking below, I'll send you a questionnaire designed to help discern if now is the right time for you to participate.
What people have written about being with Helen in long-term, experiential circles...
What does Helen bring to the role of facilitator?
For me, life is a circuitous voyage of curiosity, a creative journey of incremental human awakening within the great Mystery of Being. My early training in the theatre revealed that the human body is an instrument for feeling and expressing our shared humanity. My career as a documentary storyteller expanded my mental perspective and my appreciation for different cultures, fields of study, and points of view. My apprenticeship with somatic psychologists Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks—as well as years of exploration into integral theory and training in Spiral Dynamics, Systemic and Family Constellations, the Enneagram of Personality, and related fields of study—honed my ability to recognize and work with our human patterns. And both Eastern and Western contemplative practices have helped me align with a spacious quality of being, and touch a presence beneath our human dynamics.
I'm continually discovering that the more intimately I know myself, the closer I feel to all of Life. Inquiry into the deepest aspects of self reveals that while our lives are uniquely individual works of art, at the level of our essence we are One. As facilitator, I bring reverence for the Light inherent in each individual. My role is to inspire and support the uncovering of what is always here, awaiting discovery. The more we know, respect, and love ourselves, the more we can know, respect, and love others. This is a kind of spiritual activism our world surely needs.
If the Wisdom Circle is calling you, I hope you'll click the link below to take the next step.