We each have a unique place of belonging in the web of life.

Welcome. My name is Helen Lowe. I'm delighted that your journey has brought you here.
My work helps you attune to your unique ecosystem of belonging.
The insights I've discovered about the human terrain of kinship and alienation have come through deep experiences of both! Here I offer a small bit of my story, as a way to introduce myself. If you'd like to learn more about my relationship with the Wheel of Wisdom, click here.
In my 20's, my education and love of theatre and movies led me to Los Angeles and a career in film and television, where I created documentaries about music, culture, and travel. In my 30's, a growing hunger for wisdom and depth of purpose led me to Seattle, and a second career as a strategic storyteller for non-profits.
Also in that decade, my personal studies and training in integral theory, somatic psychology, the enneagram of personality, systemic constellations, and mystical traditions increasingly dominated my interest. I began offering the fruits of those personal explorations 'on the side,' through coaching and facilitating conscious communication and breath-work.
In my 40's, I relinquished my prestigious position leading visual communications at the largest foundation in the world to launch my own storytelling company. In those years, my 'side' offerings expanded to include leading a variety of writing and guided meditation circles, facilitating workshops and retreats, and occasionally sharing my personal journey and insights via blog.
As I approached 50, my interest in the business of organizational storytelling waned, but that professional identity felt safe, having given me 'social cover' for the less understood, valued or recognized contributions I'd been offering on the side, which I now wanted to pursue full-time.
That's when the split in the United States (and all over the world) reached a crescendo, making shockingly visible our ancient human severing. For millennia we humans have cultivated a toxic bias for swift, aggressive action, and power-over—a highly distorted yang energy or what's perceived as "masculine." At the same time, we've developed disdain for more subtle, intuitive, and receptive yin energy or what we've come to call "feminine." This severing has created disastrous disconnection from ourselves, each other, and our planet. We have lost our truest sense of belonging. The 2016 U.S. election was a push to live and work in radically different ways.
Yes, my work had always been creative and often unconventional, and perhaps my lifestyle had been closer to sustainable than many, but I was not exempt from the patriarchal mentality that drives most of us to separate from our deepest belonging and cling to what is socially admired, materially proved, and financially profitable. I was afraid to let go of the patriarchy-approved image of myself as a creative entrepreneur and business owner who partners with esteemed organizations doing big work in the world!
Thus began my adventures "off road," into the wilds of authentic belonging, where I have been guided by forces that I can only call mystical to map the often bewildering terrain of identity, safety, value, and freedom.
Today, the primary focus of my work is sharing the divine intelligence of the Wheel of Wisdom—a sacred geometry that has emerged to help us transition into a new paradigm of greater harmony with self, others, and Earth. The Wheel invites us to relax the rational, thinking mind and allow a higher intelligence to flow through the liminal, imaginal mind. It supports a lived experience of oneself as a cosmic being—human, nature, and soul—which yeilds the felt sense of true belonging.